Friday, February 22, 2008

Reading Like a Writer

I am reading Francine Prose's book Reading Like a Writer. I am fascinated by people who have surnames that foreshadow their future career. I once heard about a guy who had a surname that portended his bisexuality: Waddilove.
But that's not why I am reading Prose's excellent book. I am studying sentence structure. And she has made that very, very simple.

I like what she says here: "You will do yourself a disservice if you confine your reading to the rising star whose six-figure, two-book contract might seem to indicate where your own work should be heading. I'm not saying you shouldn't read such writers, some of whom are excellent and deserving of celebrity. I'm only pointing out that they represent the dot at the end of the long, glorious, complex sentence in which literature has been written."

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